Something Wonderful

For me, feedback from clients is the most important measure of how well I am doing my job.  Not how much money I make, or how many publications I have.  Last week, a client who just returned from a trip in Europe wrote me the most wonderful email.  I had to share it! "All I can say is  - thank you for the guiding me through the last year of building up my strength, my energy, and my new ways of walking! I clocked myself on my holiday and I was walking 8 - 15 kilometres daily through a lot of it. Not just gardens, hills and steep cobblestoned village streets,  but urban walking too on hard sidewalks and concrete. Happy to say I made it without a problem - no back problems, no knee problems. I also was able to handle a heavy suitcase. so weight training is working. But mostly, I felt confident about the holiday and its many different paths. And I can't thank you enough Jennifer - this is what i was building to. I look forward to our next year and what it brings. Susan C. That made my week!